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Изготовленные на заказ высокоточные пресс-формы Сжимающие пружины, винтовые пружины Cungang Mold Parts Co., Ltd. — комп;
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Cungang Mold Parts — компания, занимающаяся разработкой, дизайном, производством и продажей кимоно. Современная компания с комплексным обслуживанием. Основная продукция: прецизионный направляющий столбик GP, направляющая втулка GA/GB, миниатюрный шариковый направляющий узел, газовая пружина аммиака. Узел шариковой направляющей SRP/TRP, узел скользящей направляющей SGP/TGP, узел направляющей стойки A-TRP/T-TRP в форме. Независимые направляющие стойки, компоненты направляющих автомобильных пресс-форм. Высококачественные прямые направляющие для пластиковых форм и форм для литья под давлением. Колонка, втулка направляющая (торс метрический, торс прямой в туловище), обратная строчка, опорная стойка, коуш СКД-61, коуш 65мн нормальный, поддон, литниковая втулка, труба, вставка, прецизионный метчик с неподвижным штифтом. Крестовой штифт с Т-образным штифтом, пробойник и другие гетеросексуальные молдинги, производственная продукция широко используется в пресс-формах для штамповки металла, пресс-формах для литья под давлением, пластиковых формах, автомобильных формах, механическом оборудовании автоматизации, полупроводниках, медицинском оборудовании, электроприборах, электронике и других областях. .Преимущества агента по продажам деревенской сталелитейной компании: пружина Датун, высококачественная пружина формы Гуанбен, прямоугольная пружина отечественной формы. Компания полагается на передовое оборудование, сложные инструменты тестирования и опытные профессиональные технологии, таланты и научное управление, чтобы обеспечить качество продукции посредством строгого контроля каждого процесса. Компания завоевала «высокую репутацию, высокое качество, достаточный запас и точную доставку» среди «основных групп клиентов». в Гуанчжоу». Хороший имидж компании. Компания придерживается принципа действовать в интересах клиентов с точки зрения клиента. В соответствии с профессионализмом, качеством и обслуживанием мы искренне предоставляем лучшие продукты и отличный сервис новым и старым клиентам.
  • for Plastic Injection Industrial Accessories Injection Section Rectangular Plastic Mold Accessories Die Spring

    for Plastic Injection Industrial Accessories Injection Section Rectangular Plastic Mold Accessories Die Spring

    for Plastic Injection Industrial Accessories Injection Section Rectangular Plastic Mold Accessories Die Spring

  • for Plastic Injection Industrial Accessories Injection Section Rectangular Plastic Mold Accessories Die Spring

    for Plastic Injection Industrial Accessories Injection Section Rectangular Plastic Mold Accessories Die Spring

    How to use coil springs and precautionsUse when there is no spring guideIf the foreign object is clamped, the spring coil of the corresponding part will not be effective, as shown in Figure 1.When used without a spring guide, the spring will bend longitudinally and transversely, as shown, and cause other partial compression, which is actually equivalent to reducing the effectiveThe inner side of the bend will generate local high stresses, which will eventually break. Therefore, please be sure to use the number of spring coils, which will generate high stress and cause final breakage. So please be careful notSpring guides such as guide pins and outer diameter guides. Generally speaking, the guide pin isAllow foreign objects to enter. It is most ideal to use after passing through from top to bottom.Use in places with poor parallelism of the installation surfaceIf the inner diameter of the spring and the guide pin are poorly parallel to the mounting surface, the spring will bend horizontally, and the inner side of the bend is generated. It is recommended that the guide pin rod diameter be set to be about 1.0mm smaller than the inner diameter of the spring. If the gap between the guide pin and the guide pin is small, the guide pin will wear the inner diameter of the spring, and the wear part will be the starting point, causing local high stress, resulting in final breakage. In addition, as shown in Figure-4, when the parallelism of the mold is poor, the spring will be bent and the number of uses corresponding to the allowable compression amount will eventually be broken. And so on, leading to the ultimate loss. Please improve the parallelism of the mounting surface, and do not exceed the allowable. In addition, if the gap between the guide pin and the guide pin is too large, it will cause longitudinal bending. In addition, the use conditions such as the amount of compression. As shown in Figure 1, springs with longer free lengths (springs with free length/outer diameter=4 or more) must have a drop in the guide pin to avoid contact with the inner diameter of the spring when it is bent horizontally.Spring used in seriesAbout the outer diameter of the spring and the countersunk holeWhen used in series, as shown in Figure 5, the spring is bent and sometimes stuck on the guide pin or countersunk hole, and the same reason as causes the final breakage. In addition, due to the springIt is recommended that the diameter of the countersunk head be set to be about 1.5mm larger than the outer diameter of the spring. If the load is different from the counterbore, the spring with a smaller load cannot resist the spring with a larger load. When the gap is small, the outer diameter will expand due to the compression of the spring, and the outer diameter will be constrained, resulting in a small load The compression amount of the spring increases, resulting in reduced durability and breakage. The two form a stress concentration, resulting in a final breakage. It is ideal for springs with longer free lengths to adopt the counterbore shape shown in Figure 1. When springs are used in series, each spring constant value is halved.Springs are used in pairsWhen the guide length and the depth of the counterbore are smallIf the length of the guide is small, the spring will contact the front end of the guide when it is bent longitudinally. For example, when the springs are used in pairs, after the spring is bent longitudinally, the inside will enter between the outer wires (and vice versa) , And for the same reason as , it leads to the final friction and the final breakage. It is recommended to set the guide length to the initial setting height×1/2 to be damaged. In addition, a chamfering of approximately C3 size is performed.Horizontal use of wind springUse that exceeds the maximum compression (when used close to the compression length)When the spring is used horizontally, the guide pin will wear out the inner diameter of the spring, and start with the wear part.When used under the condition of exceeding the maximum compression, the cross section will produce high stress exceeding the calculated value.Points, leading to the ultimate loss. In addition, as the effective spring coil is gradually close to the compressed length, the spring constant increases, and the load line graph rises, which will generate high stress, resulting in final breakage. This is also the cause of deformation. Therefore, do not overwind the number of uses corresponding to the allowable compression amount for the use temperature. The load and other data described in the catalog are measured at room temperature (below 40°C). When the operating environment temperature exceeds room temperature, there will be differences due to various conditions, which may cause the load and durability times to decrease.Use without preloadThe ambient temperature for use should be below 80°C. Although the heat-resistant temperature of spring wire is higher than (round wireIf there is a gap, the spring will move up and down to generate an impact force, and will bend vertically and horizontally. If it is used after preloading, the top and bottom of the spring will become stable.120°C, rectangular 200°C) use temperature, but when used under conditions that exceed the use environment temperature, the function will be greatly reduced.
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